Win a mini home projector
The Prize Drop is here with chances to win Nintendo Switch goodies. Here's your question, for this week's final entry:
Who won the award for International Song at the 2025 Brit Awards?
a) Answer A
b) Answer B
c) Answer C
Options are given out during the show, on air. You can use this form to enter the current on air competition, even if this page doesn't reflect what was broadcast.
You can also enter by SMS. Text CHART then either A, B or C together with your name, age and contact info (email or phone) to +44 7415 02 27 27.
RULES Texts cost the price of one International SMS wherever you are in the world. Check prices from your mobile phone operator and obtain bill payers permission before you enter. Unless otherwise specified the competition is open to over 16's but under 18's require consent to enter from a parent/guardian. The closing date and time is at 12pm GMT on Saturday 29th March 2025. Entries received by SMS after this time will be disqualified but will still be charged.